Daryl Massey PT MPT
Daryl Massey PT, MPT (Masters of Physical Therapy) practices physical therapy is the way all patients want to have their physical therapy. Daryl works with one patient at a time. During that time, you have her complete attention. You are not handed off to less qualified therapists.Daryl individualizes every movement for you, makes sure you understand and then personally, hand draws the take-home exercise sheet. It is like having your own concierge physical therapist.
Medical conditions (including but not limited to)
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Herniated discs
- Sciatica
- Hip pain
- Knee pain
- Balance disorders
- Carpal tunnel
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Arthritis
- Sports injuries**
- Tendonitis
- Shoulder pain, rotator cuff injury
- Frozen shoulder
Her personal attention to the athlete, experience and knowledge base results in rapid and complete healing of sports-related injuries. Her four children are able to compete (competed) at the highest level in football, track and field and volleyball because, in part, of her ability to quickly heal injuries.
Daryl Massey is the director of the ALT-MED physical therapy program. She received her bachelor's degree in biology from Illinois Wesleyan University and her master's degree in physical therapy at Midwestern University. Daryl is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and has been "working her magic" for over a decade.
Bachelor of Arts
1981, Illinois Weslyan University
Medical Technologist, (ASCP certified)
1984, Michael Reese Medical Center
Master, Physical Therapy (MPT)
2003 Midwestern University
Director, Physical Therapy, ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy, Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Member, American Physical Therapy Association
Massey P.B., D. Massey. Tai Chi and Cancer. Instructional and informational video for Cancer Institute at the Alexian Brothers Medical Center. 2002
If I had not entered in this back pain program, I told for sure that I would have to have had back surgery for my three herniated disc's. I have talk to a few coworkers... They had back surgery and I cannot believe the shape they're in... Some are never going to be the same. Some had less severe problems than me and are now on permanent disability. I feel the 99.5% back to normal before the accident.
- Richard Tesler
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